الرئيسية / الفنّ للداخل / فن الخط الإسلامي الحديث


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Quranic Verses Series – 06
„Alhay” (The Ever Living)
(آیات القرآنیه / هو الحی الذی لا یموت)

• Title: “Alhay” (The Ever Living)
• Code: Quranic-AI02
• Font Name: Toranj
• Material: Handmade Acrylic on Canvas
• Size: 80 cm x 100 cm
• Date of Creation: Oct. 2021
• Artist: Noora (20 years Experience)
• Note: Bigger sizes possible!

Written Text:

هو الحی الذی لا یموت
“He is the ever living that does not die”

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