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Best Quotes Series

• Subject: Best Quotes (for Mother & Father)
• Code: Q-VH01
• Font Name: Mo’ala
• Material: Handmade Acrylic on Canvas
• Size: 70 cm x 150 cm
• Date of Creation: Sep. 2021
• Artist: Noora (20 years Experience)
• Note: Bigger sizes possible!

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Written Text:

وُجُودِه حَيَاة قَسْوَتَه إرْشَاد أَنْفَاسَه رِئة ثَالِثَةٌ دعواته نَجَاةٌ شِيب شَعْرِه جنَّةٌ يَارَبّ لَا تَحْرِمْنَا مِنْه.
أُحِبُّك جِدًّا يَا رُوحَ الْمَسَاء يَا نُور الْفَجْر يَا قُبلة الصَّبَّاح يَا عِطْر الْمَطَر يَا زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ يَا جُنَّةٌ اﻷرض يَا سعادتي أستودعتك اللَّه.

My Father;
“His presence is life, his cruelty is guidance, his breath is a third lung, his prayers are salvation, his gray hair is a paradise, Lord, do not take him away from us! “
My Mother;
“I love you so much, O Soul of the Evening, O Light of Dawn, O Kiss of the Morning, O Perfume of Rain, Flower of Life, O my Paradise, I entrust you. “


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